The latter was created by American psychologists I. SMIL or standardized multifactor method of personality research is a kind of modification of the MMPI test. Focusing on these indicators, a specialist will be able to evaluate the data obtained with knowledge of the level of information reliability and understand where the response to the proposed situation was exaggerated, and where, on the contrary, it was smoothed out. In other words, you can not only test how honest the testee was, but also establish whether he has a positive or negative attitude toward the proposed study. presence or absence of mental abnormalities Īt the same time, unlike similar methods, MMPI test online (pass the SMIL online test with the decryption of the results today can anyone) has a confidence scale.quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sustainable professionally important properties.He can clearly define such parameters as: The attractiveness of this technique is that the psychologist eventually gets a full-fledged portrait of the personality. In this case, a specialist who is allowed even at this time to be absent, just 10 minutes to process the information received. In fact, the process of passing the MMPI test online (to pass the online media test with the decoding of the results you can on our site) takes approximately one hour for the tested person. And it's not because of that, in the opinion of the experts, who have come across it for the first time, it takes a lot of time and energy. The SMIL methodology, which is one of the most significant and effective methods of studying a person's personality, can rightly be called the "heavy artillery" of psychodiagnostics.